Forums - Team Rater 2: MVC2 Edition Show all 107 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Team Rater 2: MVC2 Edition ( Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 05:17 PM: Team Rater 2: MVC2 Edition After my first sucessful team rating thread, I decided to start a new one. Let me set some ground rules. ONE TEAM PER POST MUST HAVE ASSIST TYPE With that said, give me your teams Posted by JsTyLe on 06:12:2001 05:31 PM: Magneto (projectile) Ironman (antiair) Cable (antiair) I put cable as last cause i have a hard time of pushing the other assist on the DC controller RATE ME! Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 05:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by JsTyLe Magneto (projectile) Ironman (antiair) Cable (antiair) I put cable as last cause i have a hard time of pushing the other assist on the DC controller RATE ME! Mag(Proj)/IM(AAA)/Cable(AAA) People usually use Mag with Psy AAA, but IM AAA works well too. Try D+SK+IM AAA, D+Sk. At that point, the Repulsor Blaster will draw them in. At that point you can launch into an air combo, or Shockwave Super. In the corner, you can even do a Tempest Super. With IM, hopefully you can do the infinite. It is really hard to do it from Cable AAA, but if you can start it off just with IM, then that's good. Otherwise, you may want to consider putting Mag on Capture. Well, with Cable, keepaway with Mag, and use IM AAA to set up AHVBs. You do know how to AHVB, don't you? Posted by JsTyLe on 06:12:2001 05:51 PM: IM's infinite yeah, i can do it pretty well, im sorta trying to get it down off of his air combo. Heh sometimes i usually get the infinite off when my friend is jumping against me i jump towards him and just start the infinite, pisses off my friend like crazy. I never really got the IM's infinite off in a real match using cable's AAA, guess my reaction time is too slow or something. Anyways thanks for the advice on the use of IM's AAA. I use psylock sometimes when storm is in my team, i just need to get down the Magnetos infinite where you go lp,d+lk,lp i could never get that shit down, though i did get it once, so i know that its possible, any tips on the mag infinite. My mag sorta looks like wongs mag, I love his triangle jump confuses my friend like crazy, but they learned how to stop it with the right AAA Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 05:58 PM: Mag has a lot of infinites, but in your case you triangle dash well, so here's one: D+Hp/\Immediate Hk, AirDash DF, Sk, Sk/\D+Hp and repeat Pretty good infinite, and you can go into an air combo at any time. Now, as a new feature of Team Rater V 2.0 NOW I WILL TELL YOU WHICH TEAM BEATS WHICH Thank you. Posted by Supergeek on 06:12:2001 06:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by JsTyLe Magneto (projectile) Ironman (antiair) Cable (antiair) I put cable as last cause i have a hard time of pushing the other assist on the DC controller RATE ME! Iron Man should be on Projectile, helps with Magneto rushdown. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 06:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by Supergeek Iron Man should be on Projectile, helps with Magneto rushdown. Good point But, with Magneto on projectile, Cable already has a long range attack to back him up. Cable without an AAA is a sitting duck Posted by Vonstar on 06:12:2001 06:38 PM: how bout magneto(projectile) cammy(aaa) spiderman (aaa) Posted by S_G_Ami on 06:12:2001 06:44 PM: how about storm(proj)/sent(ground)/cammy(AAA)? Posted by n817azn on 06:12:2001 06:47 PM: Hey timeflip i thought that i would just make a quick correction for ya regarding the mags use of IM. you cannot connect + IMaaa, because IM comes out way to slow, i know cuz this is one of my main teams. You should do it like this -> + IMaaa, s.rh, xx hypergrav xx magnetic tempest(or whatever you want). Just thought that i would lay that out for ya Jstyle. n8 Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 06:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by Vonstar how bout magneto(projectile) cammy(aaa) spiderman (aaa) SpiderMan.........SUCKS With that said, he's bad since he has a slow air dash(that's not even an air dash), hard to combo super moves(D+RkxxCrawler Assault is rollable, and Maximum Spider is hard to combo too) and his main goal is to rushdown, whereas a good AAA can take him down. Magneto/Cammy are a good team. However, they only build meter. I'd recommend putting either Sentinel or Cable in 2nd. Sentinel helps your team more with an assist, so he'd be the better choice. __ Storm(Proj)/Sent(Ground)/Cammy(AAA) This is a good team. Storm is really good on point, especially with Sent and Cammy. Nothing wrong with this team really. Just make sure you don't get your assists hurt too much. And you may want to put CapCom AAA instead of Cammy, but it's up to you. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 06:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by n817azn Hey timeflip i thought that i would just make a quick correction for ya regarding the mags use of IM. you cannot connect + IMaaa, because IM comes out way to slow, i know cuz this is one of my main teams. You should do it like this -> + IMaaa, s.rh, xx hypergrav xx magnetic tempest(or whatever you want). Just thought that i would lay that out for ya Jstyle. n8 Is this mashable? Posted by captainsaveahoe on 06:12:2001 07:29 PM: Mags(projetile)Doom(AAA)Psylock(AAA) Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 07:32 PM: quote: Originally posted by captainsaveahoe Mags(projetile)Doom(AAA)Psylock(AAA) Mags/Psy work really, well but you should put Psylocke 2nd and Doom 3rd. Doom can't use Psy as effectively as Psy can use Doom. Otherwise, make sure you're assists stay safe. You'll probably be calling them alot. Posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 on 06:12:2001 07:41 PM: how bout IM/AAA cable/AAA psylock/AAA?????? i've combo'd into the infinite with both cable n pyslock AAA.and both AAA's are great assist for cable's HVB. but i need more info cuz i've had bout 17 wins is da most i ever had wit this team. Posted by n817azn on 06:12:2001 07:45 PM: I don't know for sure cuz no one has ever mashed out of it on me. It may not be(mashable) becuz the repulsor blast holds them for a little while during the beginning of the tempest, but i couldn't say for certain. n8 Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 07:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 how bout IM/AAA cable/AAA psylock/AAA?????? i've combo'd into the infinite with both cable n pyslock AAA.and both AAA's are great assist for cable's HVB. but i need more info cuz i've had bout 17 wins is da most i ever had wit this team. Don't you mean AHVB But anyway, you can try to get better and not need an assist for the infinites, in which case you should put CapCom or Cammy AAA in the last spot. Otherwise, it is a good team, but I'd recommend putting IM on Projectile. Where do you keep losing at? Posted by VooduKilla on 06:12:2001 08:12 PM: Alrighty... How about this (crazy) team of Spiral Projectile, Bison variety and Sentinel ground? In case you're wondering, bison uses spiral for a trap... BTW, I'm new to posting on Shoryuken, HELLO PEOPLE!!! Posted by ShoryukenBlast on 06:12:2001 08:20 PM: I play Magneto (Projectile) Cable (AAA) Cammy(AAA) Can you tell me some combos and such such with my team Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 08:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by VooduKilla Alrighty... How about this (crazy) team of Spiral Projectile, Bison variety and Sentinel ground? In case you're wondering, bison uses spiral for a trap... BTW, I'm new to posting on Shoryuken, HELLO PEOPLE!!! I think Bison(Variety) is the Scissor Kick, right? Spiral/Sentinel is good and well, but would you mind explaining this Bison/Spiral trap? Or is it top secret? Posted by logan's son on 06:12:2001 08:48 PM: Cololsus(dash assit) capcom(aaa) and cyc (AAA or proj) I play rushdown with col. and use capcom as his primary aaa and i build meter for cyc or capcom with coll. There thc can kill almost anyone if they all connect at the right angle so coll. also hits Posted by SSJ2Gohan on 06:12:2001 08:48 PM: Magnetoprojectile,Cable projectile, Cyclops or CapComAAA Do you think i should use Cyclops or CapCom more? Posted by VooduKilla on 06:12:2001 08:53 PM: Variety is the crazy balls thing... i could use expansion (kicks) as a substitute of a good anti-air, since theres nothing else. I'm just starting with the team. The bison/spiral trap i would be more than welcome, cuz im sure not many people would wanna use bison anyway... and you see it once, you know what im gonna do. I'm not sure if it is push blockable, only if the kicks are pushable then i would habe to adjust it a bit... Ok... lk + spiral proj assist, lk knee press, (while knives are hitting) lp balls thingy whatever, wait, repeat... havent gotten to try this, but maybe i can do the hp balls thing (that sounds so funny) to hk knee press if they pushblock?? What bothers me about this team now is that i cant find a good DHC after any of bison's supers except sentinel dfPP super... not too damaging, other bison teams will overkill with DHC's. I'm trying to get it down good before i hit the arcade =) Advise on any other good bison teams, please, i really feel like using him for fun. Posted by BRENT on 06:12:2001 08:56 PM: I had fun with this team last night: Juggernaut (dash), Megaman (anti-air), and Colossus (dash) Posted by Jaze on 06:12:2001 09:07 PM: how about this team: sentinel (ground)/capcom (antiair)/cable proj. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 09:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by logan's son Cololsus(dash assit) capcom(aaa) and cyc (AAA or proj) I play rushdown with col. and use capcom as his primary aaa and i build meter for cyc or capcom with coll. There thc can kill almost anyone if they all connect at the right angle so coll. also hits If you're really adamant about keeping your team the way it is, put it like: Cyc(AAA)/CapCom(AAA)/Colossus(Dash) Cyc can use his assists to rushdown. Normally CapCom is last, but since Colossus sucks at DHCs, you could go from a Captain StormxxDive. But anyway you should change your team. Any person you would like to keep in particular? I was thinking of: Storm(Proj)/Colossus(Dash)/Cyc(AAA) Try that team first and tell me what you think ___ Mag(Proj)/Cable(AAA)/Cyc/CapCom(AAA) I'd put in Cyc AAA. Cyc AAA is a bit better on point, and it helps both the characters. Mags gets air combos, Cable gets AHVBS. And you can recharge meter with Cyc on point. However, I use CapCom AAA since I'm better with CapCom on point than Cyc for some insane reason ___ Jugg(Dash)/MM(AAA)/Colossus(Dash) Getting Jiggy with Juggs I see But anywayz... MM would be better on Projectile to cover the huge lack of range the two big characters have. MM would be better to start first, however this is not a good team since it leaves assists open too easily. Calling Juggs while shooting your Mega Buster is AHVB bait. So I think you should change your team. Anyone you want to keep? Posted by dragonkahn on 06:12:2001 09:18 PM: Spiral/Strider/Doom (a.k.a. the Rushdown Trap Team) Posted by Dilated Hadashi on 06:12:2001 09:19 PM: psylocke[aaa], iceman[projectile], capcom[aaa] i know having two aaa's can be awkward, but I deal... Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 09:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by dragonkahn Spiral/Strider/Doom (a.k.a. the Rushdown Trap Team) Spiral/Doom, although less common than Spiral/Sent, works just as well for building meter. If your Strider/Doom is as godly as Clockw0rk's, then you're straight ___ Psy(AAA)/Icem(AAA)/CapCom(AAA) I think Iceman would be better on point; he can set up air combos with Psy, as well as trap with CapCom AAA. Make sure you JUMP and Icebeam since that bastard Cable can AHVB after an ICebeam. Problem is your team can't handle keepaway from Storm and Doom. If you fight them, you might want to take out Psy for BH(AAA). Otherwise, your team works. Posted by DESERT DRAGON on 06:12:2001 09:27 PM: Whatsup Timeflip, I'm new to posting, anyway, how bout Dr. Doom(anti-air),Blackheart(anti-air),Cable(projectile) Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 09:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by DESERT DRAGON Whatsup Timeflip, I'm new to posting, anyway, how bout Dr. Doom(anti-air),Blackheart(anti-air),Cable(projectile) Put Cable 2nd, set him to AAA, and you have a good team. Posted by Dilated Hadashi on 06:12:2001 09:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip Problem is your team can't handle keepaway from Storm and Doom. If you fight them, you might want to take out Psy for BH(AAA). Otherwise, your team works. true, blackey woulld be easier, but wouldn't cap com's captian sword work wonders on that runaway poopm of storm/sim? Posted by S_G_Ami on 06:12:2001 09:50 PM: about spiral(proj)/cable(AAA)/psy(AAA)?? Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 10:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dilated Hadashi true, blackey woulld be easier, but wouldn't cap com's captian sword work wonders on that runaway poopm of storm/sim? CapCom isn't good on point . His launcher sucks and his Captain Sword doesn't even do full damage 100% of the time. __ Spiral(Proj)/Cable(AAA)/Psy(AAA) Psy(AAA) helps this team in no way, so put in either BH AAA or Sent(Ground) Posted by Ouroborus on 06:12:2001 10:08 PM: Care to rate my teams of: IM, Psylocke and Storm Psyocke, Strider, Doom. Spiral, Sentinel, Blackheart and more to come. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 10:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ouroborus Care to rate my teams of: IM, Psylocke and Storm Psyocke, Strider, Doom. Spiral, Sentinel, Blackheart and more to come. Dammit I hate people who break ground rules >_< I said one team per post Posted by Ouroborus on 06:12:2001 10:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip Dammit I hate people who break ground rules >_< I said one team per post Whoops . Just rate anyone of them at random. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:12:2001 10:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ouroborus Spiral, Sentinel, Blackheart Too good Posted by DESERT DRAGON on 06:12:2001 10:36 PM: how about this team, Sentinel(Projectile),Storm(projectile),BlackHeart( anti-air) "They seem to be a good team." Posted by Reitterer on 06:12:2001 11:22 PM: What do you think of this team TimeFlip? Omega Red(throw) or Felicia (ground)/Colossus(Dash)/Captain Commando(AAA) I use Omega Red or Felicia to build meter for Collosus, and I use Capcom to give the team a good anti-air. Posted by Vonstar on 06:12:2001 11:49 PM: hey, you know how i wanted mag(projectile), cammy(aaa)...what should be the third character? none of my friends want me to play the "cheese" characters like sentinal for some reason or cable. who else could be put there? Posted by TimeFlip on 06:13:2001 12:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by DESERT DRAGON how about this team, Sentinel(Projectile),Storm(projectile),BlackHeart( anti-air) "They seem to be a good team." Put Storm first. She should build meter through rushdown with Sent and keepaway with BH AAA. When you have around 4-5 levels, DHC Sentinel(air combo to Lightning StormxxHSF should work), then trap with Sent/BH. Good team ___ OR(Throw) or Felicia(Ground)/Colossus(Dash)/CapCom(AAA) I'd put OR on your team, since he's more suited for the team. WIth OR, mix up rushdown and keepaway. You'll want to rely more on rushdown, however, so use CapCom AAA to cover yourself. When that's done, find some way to get Colossus in(Variable Counter?) and proceed to combo. However, Colossus might gain some more hits by using Cyc AAA, so you may want to take out CapCom for him. Up to you though. ___ As for Vonstar... I'd put in Psy AAA...helps set up combos for both characters Posted by SilverGear on 06:13:2001 12:23 AM: Here we go. Here's a team I use let's see what you think: Dr. Doom (Anti-Air)/Shuma Gorath(Expansion(?))/BlackHeart(Anti-Air) Really curious to see how you rate it since Duc complimented it when he saw me play. So rate away! Posted by Sho 2 on 06:13:2001 12:30 AM: The Team I want rated is one of my Ruby Heart Variants. I sorry to break the rules but I need to know which team is the best. I set the teams up follow that whole battery/user/assist thing. Only rate what you think is the best. Ruby(AAA)/Sent(Ground)/Doom(AAA) Ruby(AAA)/Sent(Ground)/BH(AAA) Ruby(AAA)/Doom(AAA)/Sent(Ground) The first and last team have the same people but I feel the order makes them differ. I feel the first team is better at sandwiching and corner chipping while the last team is better at distant pressuring and long combos. I would post my Ruby(AAA)/BH(AAA)/Cyc(AAA) but I'm still a beginner with Cyc. I also have 2 more favors to ask. Can you compare my team with Viscant's and will you please tell me who this is good against and who it is bad against? TIA. P.S. I'll PM Viscant right now and when you tell which is the best team I will tell you what I do with them. Posted by maximum cammy on 06:13:2001 12:38 AM: Strider vajira Cammy cannon spike Gambit cajun slash Posted by TimeFlip on 06:13:2001 12:57 AM: Re: Here we go. quote: Originally posted by SilverGear Here's a team I use let's see what you think: Dr. Doom (Anti-Air)/Shuma Gorath(Expansion(?))/BlackHeart(Anti-Air) Really curious to see how you rate it since Duc complimented it when he saw me play. So rate away! Doom/BH is pretty out for wavedashing. Now as for Shumi, I think Expansion is the Mystic Smash, though. It is a good assist. However, if blocked, the opponent gets free hits as Shumi taunts. Problem I have is Shumi's lack of a good jump-in. However, his Sk's really fast. His Crystal Smash does good chipping and I believe it could be set up with a Mystic Stare for chipping. Just make sure the opponent blocks . His jumping D+Rk is good to use to drop in on the enemy, and his RK throw drains energy. Definitely an underrated character. Oh wow Duc liked your Shumi...I'd like to see Duc use Shumi. _____ Sho2 It's cool if you want me to tell you which team is the best...I just don't like people who expect me to rate every single team. As for your teams, I think Ruby/Sent/Doom works best. Doom is your primary assist, so keep him alive. As for strategy, ducking Hk with Doom AAA cancelled into the Supremation works well. As for her supers, her Mille Phantom does good chip when paired with Doom AAA, however it starts slowly. Your best use of her is just to build meter. It's not too hard to get Sent in(Any superxxHSF) works. Chip with Sent/Doom(D+Hp+Doom,Hp Rocket PunchxxHSF, D+Hp, Sk Drones, either activate flight rushdown or repeat), and use Ruby's AAA to cover Sent. Get back to me on this team...I might try it. ____ Strider(Vagina)/Cammy(AAA)/Gambit(Cajun Slash) Strider isn't that good without Doom, so you may want to take him out. If you want to keep him, set it like Strider(Vagira)/Doom(AAA)/Cammy(AAA). Otherwise, your team is very unbalanced. Posted by Dark Duo on 06:13:2001 01:18 AM: Magnus(Projectile)/Cable(AAA)/Doom(AAA) What you say? Posted by KKCapcom2 on 06:13:2001 03:37 AM: Mag-Pro, Cable-AAA, Doom-AAA Posted by KKCapcom2 on 06:13:2001 03:38 AM: errr forget it, u just saw dark do post it. Posted by S_G_Ami on 06:13:2001 03:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip Spiral(Proj)/Cable(AAA)/Psy(AAA) Psy(AAA) helps this team in no way, so put in either BH AAA or Sent(Ground) psy helps in no way?? she only sets up the AHVB better than anyone....not to mention the AAA value of anti-rush? try again man Posted by BshidoHEAT on 06:13:2001 04:33 AM: TimeFlip, could you rate my team? Omega Red (AAA) Cable (AAA) Iron Man (Projectile) I use Iron Man's assist and a horizontal Omega Strike to take out assist and Cable to watch the skies for me. Also, Iron Man's assist helps me rushdown my enemy because usually they'll be blocking Iron Man's beam low. Posted by CaliFlower on 06:13:2001 04:44 AM: Dude, what do u think of Storm-A/Doom-B/Cable-A? Posted by mixup on 06:13:2001 05:18 AM: Please rate the team of, Magneto (fully realized all of his tricks,combos,ect) storm(same as magneto) and cammy(same) it's the only team i'm really familiar with (save swapping cyc for cammy) i want to know what you think of those guys vs the rest. Posted by Mung714 on 06:13:2001 05:33 AM: Morrigan (projectile) BBhood (projectile) BH (AAA) Morrigan: Call Bh assist and rain soulfists from the air and do her upward airel dash back up to rain soulfists again. Punish a mistake by air dashing into them and comboing them. Use shell pierce before cable follows up into the air to ahvb. I am still practicing infinites Hood: Bh assist and hkxxmissles. If that wont work. jump in and double jump for confusion, then hk. If they land in corner, do infnite. If they are near blocking a missle, chip with cool hunting. Get them with the hk mines to stop rushdown or maybe her maltave cocktail with lk Bh: Throw demons and do judgment day air super if trapped in demons. Use inferno as AAA. I feel that this is more unique than most teams because of Hood and Morrigan. I usually for fun play Jin AAA instead of Bh Posted by neroiscariot on 06:13:2001 05:56 AM: please tell me what you think...magneto(know the guy VERY well...i can do almost nething w/ him), cable (good at keepaway), and sent. (gamma assist 4 cable) sometimes i switch capcom for sent. but this is my "good" team. Posted by sick$imulations on 06:13:2001 06:38 AM: rate my team... dr doom(aaa), cable(aaa), sentinel(ground) Posted by Mung714 on 06:13:2001 08:33 PM: hey time flip, how will i recognize you at the tourne this saturday. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:13:2001 08:54 PM: That's a lot Mag(Proj)/Cable(AAA)/Doom(AAA) Hmmmmmmmmmm........... Doom is somewhat good for this team. Mainly he's there for chipping. If you want, Spiral Projectile works well too. The only problem with Cable in the problem is finding a safe way for him to get in. PRACTICE VARIABLE COUNTERXXAHVB!!!!! Still, it's a good team. _________ S_G_Ami Most of the time you'll be playing with Spiral anyway, but if you do play with Cable more, at least put in Cyc AAA. Cyc AAA has better range than Psy AAA, and helps Spiral WOS better. In the rare event that you can actually do the Spiral/Cable(Proj) trap, well, just keep Psy AAA. CapCom AAA works well too, but it doesn't AHVB up. It just helps Spiral run away. _________ Storm(Proj)/Doom(AAA)/Cable(Proj) I've seen Viscant use Doom/Storm, but put Storm first so you get access to a good DHC: Air combo Photon ArrayxxHail Storm. Lightning Stormxxeither Sphere Flame or Photon Array does dramatically bad damage. And, you get access to meter built to chip with TyphoonxxHailStorm paired with Doom AAA. Cable would be better on AAA, since Doom AAA has little vertical range. This team is good. _______ Mag(Proj)/Storm(Proj)/Cammy(AAA) I usually use this team with CapCom AAA, but Cammy works just fine. I'm sure you know how to use Mag/Storm, just be careful. Cammy should be on 100% rush if you're forced to use her. Be sure to use her double jump. Although Cammy AAA works, Psy AAA also does, and she's somewhat better on point with a projectile and a triple jump. However, Cammy has more height and range. Depends mostly on who you play against. ______ Morrigan(Projectile)/BBHood(Projectile)/BH(AAA) Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............maybe I shouldn't help you since I might play against you.... But anyway, Morrigan is a lot better on AAA. Her AAA is very quick. It's somewhat like Ken's AAA, but less invincible. BBHood has very bad assists, but her projectile helps Morgy rush down. And hopefully you can combo into a super. You can do Soul FistxxSoul EraserxxCool HuntingxxHOD for hellacious Chip. You can pretty much combo any super from a Soul Fist. Darkness IllusionxxBeautiful Memory works just fine. Since you pretty much understand the rest of your team, I'll stop there. Watch out for blocked Cool Hunting's too. Since you know about BB, couldn't you just do repeated (Hk, Hp Missile) in the corner rather than just the missiles? Or is that rollable. Can't wait to play against you, if I do go. ______ Mag(Proj)/Cable(AAA)/Sent(Ground) Pretty much the same as Doom instead of Sent, but this team is slightly better as Sent comes out faster. _____ Doom(AAA)/Cable(AAA)/Sent(Ground) I use to use this team. I would mix up Doom rushdown, backing Doom up with Sent. Then I would mix up keepaway with Cable AAA. I could get Cable in with air combo Photon ArrayxxHVB, but that is very crappy. Works though. Or you can do variable counterxxAHVB. Try to keep Doom alive, as Cable and Sent use him. With Cable, punish mistakes, and if you want Sent in, AHVBxxHSF should work. And chip with Sent/Doom. They work very well. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:13:2001 08:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mung714 hey time flip, how will i recognize you at the tourne this saturday. If I go, I'll probably be the only 14-year old there But anyway I'll probably wear jeans and a t-shirt. My dad might also watch me since he's very nice. Posted by Nutlog on 06:13:2001 09:26 PM: Well, I guess I'll throw in what will be my two tournament teams and see what you think... Morrigan(AAA)/Storm(Projectile)/Doom(AAA) (serious team) Colossus(AAA)/Magneto(Proj)/Zangief(Ground) (for the an early round or two, messing around, etc...) Classic WTF?! combo: Gief: j.d+HP,LP,c.LP+Call Colossus AAA, sj forward while collossus connects and you travel past, SPD from the peak of the sj. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:13:2001 09:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by BshidoHEAT TimeFlip, could you rate my team? Omega Red (AAA) Cable (AAA) Iron Man (Projectile) I use Iron Man's assist and a horizontal Omega Strike to take out assist and Cable to watch the skies for me. Also, Iron Man's assist helps me rushdown my enemy because usually they'll be blocking Iron Man's beam low. I think I skipped yours. Sorry But anyway, I think your team would be better with either Doom AAA or Sent Ground, as you're using IM just for an assist. However, if you're good enough to get the IM infinite off without an assist, put him first, in which case you'd want to replace OR. If you're not that good with IM, use IceM. He has a good beam assist too. ___ Morr(AAA)/Storm(Proj)/Doom(AAA) You're team is very rushdown orientated, so watch out for AAAs. Mung317 gave a very good basic strategy for Morrigan, so just scroll around. I can't wait to play against him . Soul FistxxSoul Eraser or TyphoonxxHailstorm do good chipping when paired with Doom AAA, so use that. And Soul Eraser works pretty well for killing assists. ___ Colossus(AAA)/Mag(Proj)/Zangief(Ground) Put Mag first . Magnus can do some freaky combos when paired with Zangief ground, so experiment with that. And I believe the Lariat can set up Colossus' air combos. But really, this is a fun team, so I think you should just have fun with it. Posted by LiQuiD on 06:13:2001 10:39 PM: Iron man (anitiair) Sentinel (ground type) Ken (expansion) can someone give me ken combos? he's a good character in other games but in mvc2 he sux . Posted by TimeFlip on 06:13:2001 11:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by LiQuiD Iron man (anitiair) Sentinel (ground type) Ken (expansion) can someone give me ken combos? he's a good character in other games but in mvc2 he sux . I'd recommend putting Psy AAA instead of Ken. Not only does it help set up IM's infinite, but it also helps set up HSF and Sentinel's air combos. If you want Ken on your team, practice IM's infinite setup without assists. And change Ken to AAA; it's alot better than expansion. Basic Ken combos: D+Hp/\Jp, Hurricane Kick Jp,Jp,Fp, HadoukenxxShoryureppa __ Those are all you really need. Posted by Raz0r on 06:14:2001 12:29 AM: Roll(Flower throw) Kubon(Projectile) Dan(Anti-Air) See, I have problems escaping AHVB's with Roll and Dan. Any suggestions? Posted by TimeFlip on 06:14:2001 01:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Raz0r Roll(Flower throw) Kubon(Projectile) Dan(Anti-Air) See, I have problems escaping AHVB's with Roll and Dan. Any suggestions? I refuse to answer this question..... Posted by Raz0r on 06:14:2001 01:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by TimeFlip I refuse to answer this question..... LOL! Why?! They are as top-tier as you can go! Posted by TimeFlip on 06:14:2001 01:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by Raz0r LOL! Why?! They are as top-tier as you can go! If the top-tier was the bottom tier and vice-versa, then everyone would kick ass with Guile >_< 0 Posted by Orion_of_Chaos on 06:14:2001 02:31 AM: Spiral (projectile) Cable (AAA) Blackheart (AAA) And don't be hatin on Guile...I can kick ass with him, Akuma, and CapCom... Posted by TimeFlip on 06:14:2001 02:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by Orion_of_Chaos Spiral (projectile) Cable (AAA) Blackheart (AAA) And don't be hatin on Guile...I can kick ass with him, Akuma, and CapCom... BH can be replaced with Sent, but BH has more vertical range, and Sent has more horizontal range. However, Spiral/Sent locks down better, so you might consider that team. Still a good team Posted by wonderflex on 06:14:2001 04:10 AM: TIME FLIP RATE MY TEAM/STRADEGY My team be bein': Guile (projectile) Dhalsim (projectile) Jin (anti-air) I choose Guile first because that is my only strong point. I choose Dhalsim second because I have me good old run away trick that I use with him. This will be explained later. I choose Jin last because it is easier to hit the right trigger and his anti-air is a no skillz required fuck you up move. As for stradegy I take my Guile and start off by kicking there ass with my "Wonderflex Special"(R)(C)(tm) 11 hit combo. Second I usualy go for one of two things: Trip, Trip, Sonic Hurrican or Launcher, Punch, Punch, Kick, Airgrab Special. If this has not fucked the character up enough for me to mack on wit a punch or two then I go for my last resort combo that I dont do very well, Launcher, Punch, Kick, Knee Press Grab, Launcher, Punch, Kick, Knee Press Grab. This is not always the best combo becuase you can roll out of it easy. All the time that I am standing around I ride my helper like a mean muggin bitch; the Jin helper that is. If I have succeded in destroying my opponents first character without losing any of my characters, or more than 3/4 the life of a helper then I move on to Dhalsim. After tagging in Dhalsim I go straight for my "yoga hide"(R)(C)(tm) runaway move that use in tournaments. I take Dhalsim and super jump. At the peak of the super jump I dash up. At the peak of the dash up I teleport to the other side. After the teleport I dash up. At the peak of this dash up I teleport to the "safe" side. Then I simply repeat this over and over. Jin is worthless to me as far as realy playing with him. He is a helper and that is it. If it comes down to me having to use him I'm more or less fuck. I wait and hope the opponent misses a move or does a long delay move so I can do the shoot 'em with my big hand grip robo gun move. This is my "patent pending" style, so what do think of it and how do you like my "yoga hide"(R)(C)(tm)? Posted by TimeFlip on 06:14:2001 04:53 AM: Guile gets ruined by beamers and people who know how to roll and tech hit But Dhalaim is good for runaway. Put someone else first, like Cable, and your team works somewhat Posted by Mung714 on 06:14:2001 04:54 AM: Well, timeflip...if i am on an arcade machine...i am not a worthy opponent. I have a SERIOUS dashing problem, plus there are NO arcades around here (one in walmart, go about once a month) well, if i play you, you shal own me. My arcade experience is horrible, and my non boring approach will take its toll. I want to see if i can just beat one person. I am perfectly able to combo into a super on the dreamcast...probobaly not in the arcade. The only hope i have is that all the arcades i have played at have screwed up joysticks. Well, i have morrigan on projectile so that my triple theesome super will take off about 85% of ones life, but the good way to go is the anti air i guess. Should i replace bh with jin or the reasons: 1: stopping a rushdown 2: having a all lower tier game I am 16 years old, but i look like 12-13. 5'6 dirty blond hair with glasses. See if ya recognize me. Posted by TimeFlip on 06:14:2001 05:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mung714 Well, timeflip...if i am on an arcade machine...i am not a worthy opponent. I have a SERIOUS dashing problem, plus there are NO arcades around here (one in walmart, go about once a month) well, if i play you, you shal own me. My arcade experience is horrible, and my non boring approach will take its toll. I want to see if i can just beat one person. I am perfectly able to combo into a super on the dreamcast...probobaly not in the arcade. The only hope i have is that all the arcades i have played at have screwed up joysticks. Well, i have morrigan on projectile so that my triple theesome super will take off about 85% of ones life, but the good way to go is the anti air i guess. Should i replace bh with jin or the reasons: 1: stopping a rushdown 2: having a all lower tier game I am 16 years old, but i look like 12-13. 5'6 dirty blond hair with glasses. See if ya recognize me. Egad man... Hopefully you'll learn something new there I'll be glad to school you on Cable, Doom, BH, Sentinel, a bit of Storm, and Omega Red...but anyway: Actually, maybe replace BB with BH. Really doesn't take too much skill to play with BH. The really hard thing to perfect with him is his infinite, and it's really hard to setup sometimes. BH really helps Morrigan, so try to keep him in. Posted by Mung714 on 06:14:2001 05:11 AM: im borrowing my friend dreacast and MVC2, he needs to get an arcadde stick, so i cant practice a real way. anyway...i have though about replacing hood, but i all the games i play, whenever she' the last one left, she comes in and starts really kicking ass. Sometimes she wins me the match, ad sometimes she just kills all but one of their people. In theory, yes, i should take out hood, but, whenever i try doing that, my teams just seem to suck when they shouldnt. Its wierd. Posted by wonderflex on 06:14:2001 05:15 AM: I cant get rid of Guile, he is my heart and sole of my team, I REALY cant play with anyone else with the profeciency that I can with Guile. He is my kick ass warrior. When beamers come I just sit back and ride my helper until I can pull of my "Wonderflex Special"(R)(C)(tm). Is ther any other adjustment you would suggest or mabey a good Cable stradegy if I was to "test" the idea of a replacment. Posted by Mung714 on 06:14:2001 05:17 AM: i know what mean dude, just read my post about hood Posted by Mung714 on 06:14:2001 06:03 AM: timeflip, i have 50 posts, how do i get a avatar Posted by sick$imulations on 06:14:2001 06:05 AM: ayo time flip my Doom(AAA)/Cable(AAA)/Sentinel(Ground) isnt workin out fo me. my doom always seems to get into stupid $hit and die. hes not a very good meter builder either. let me know on how to improve my situation. i was also thinking of taking doom out my team and replacing him. if i do who u sugjest to go well with cable and sentinel?. thanx Posted by DeathFromAbove on 06:14:2001 06:36 AM: Doom (variety)/Sent (ground)/Capcom (AAA) Don't tell me to change Doom to AAA; I know what I'm doing with that part. Other than that, rate away. -DFA Posted by BshidoHEAT on 06:14:2001 06:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by BshidoHEAT TimeFlip, could you rate my team? Omega Red (AAA) Cable (AAA) Iron Man (Projectile) I use Iron Man's assist and a horizontal Omega Strike to take out assist and Cable to watch the skies for me. Also, Iron Man's assist helps me rushdown my enemy because usually they'll be blocking Iron Man's beam low. Timeflip, how about some insight? Posted by blacheart576 on 06:14:2001 06:37 PM: magneto(projectile) sentinal(ground) psylocke(aaa) Posted by mixup on 06:14:2001 10:01 PM: you really gotta do somthing about your *little* signature there..... Posted by TheBestMvC2Man on 06:14:2001 10:43 PM: bh(anti-air) cable(anti-air) cyclops(anti-air) Posted by TheBestMvC2Man on 06:14:2001 10:51 PM: WELL?????? WHERE IS THE RATING TIMEFLIP! HOP TO! CHOP CHOP --; Posted by CapMaster on 06:15:2001 12:24 AM: Hmmm...I have several teams, but I'll just post one for now as I have 2 main teams and then I have sub-teams that I play for fun: MegaMan (Projectile) Blackheart (AAA) Sentinel (Ground) In a few days I may post again... Posted by jlepore on 06:15:2001 01:04 AM: What do you think about my favorite team? Spiral/Cable/Sentinel Posted by Flint3125 on 06:15:2001 02:14 AM: Great thread. Ok, here we go. Zangief Cable Ken I just love the big guy. Let me know what you think and thanks. Posted by Terazon on 06:19:2001 01:10 AM: I have another team that may have some potential. Magneto-A/B, Blackheart-B, Cyclops-B =A few highlights= -Magneto BH confusion / meter building tactics / runaway tactics -Magneto rapefests via the Cyc assist and savage rushdown / triangle jumps -BH infinite to safe tag to Magnetic TempestXXJudgement Day [BH's most powerful super], to Mega optic Blast combo. [I'll know in an hour if they die. The last part which is the DHC does at least 110 / 143 damage to the victim. The damage dealt with from the infinite will be at least half life.] -BH run away via superjumps and anti-superjump tactics What's your opinion on this. Posted by maxximus on 06:21:2001 07:17 AM: rate me bison [variety] cable [aaa] capcom [aaa] thnx Posted by Mikato_Kenji on 06:22:2001 05:43 PM: Rate these two teams: BB Hood (Alpha), Cable (Beta), Jugernaught (dash) and Servebot (Gamma), Megaman (Alpha), Tronnebonne (Gamma) Posted by Vonstar on 06:22:2001 08:55 PM: mag(projectile) storm(exp) psy(aaa) mag(projectile) storm(exp) CapCom(aaa) Posted by soup or man on 06:22:2001 09:07 PM: Rate-age please. Cammy(AAA), Cable(AAA), Doom(AAA). Posted by Big Andrewski on 06:22:2001 09:24 PM: How about.... CapCom/Akuma/Sentinel Posted by Mr. Tempest on 06:27:2001 05:15 AM: Magnus(projectile), Cable(AAA), and Capcom(AAA). This is the's good to put Cammy(AAA) instead of Capcom cuz both partners hit the guy in the air(Mag is not that strong in the air.) This team has two cheapness: Magnus and Cable. Posted by VanDread_431 on 06:27:2001 06:15 AM: cable (proyectile),doom(aaa) and capcom (AAA) :cool Posted by Big Andrewski on 06:27:2001 10:40 PM: Hyper Viper BUMP! Posted by CaptainCanada on 06:27:2001 11:42 PM: Whoohoo. I never checked the last thread for the answer to mine, but here's a new one. Storm-Proj/Cable-AAA/Sentinel-Ground You think Doom would be a better choice for Sentinel here? Thanks. Posted by Sage on 06:28:2001 02:59 AM: Magneto-a/Cable-b/Doom-b thanks Posted by Toi_Yet on 06:28:2001 07:34 PM: Magneto(proj)/Cable(AAA)/Sentinel(ground) Posted by Trouble on 06:28:2001 08:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by Toi_Yet Magneto(proj)/Cable(AAA)/Sentinel(ground) Thats weird....I use the exact same team. I like it. Its one of my fav teams to use. Posted by Toi_Yet on 06:28:2001 11:34 PM: It is a well rounded team, isn't it? I have found many things that go well with the team. I use the ground assist to chip and I use Mags to mix it up as I build the battery for Cable and his AHVBx3 it all works outs. There is not much that can stop this team, or at least I think of it as that. Posted by bison812 on 06:28:2001 11:47 PM: Dr.Doom AAA storm projectile and capcom anti-air Posted by CaptainCanada on 07:02:2001 12:08 AM: humpsn*bump*s Posted by RogueSquadron on 07:02:2001 02:43 PM: Rogue(Throw) Sentinel(Ground) Cammy(AA) Posted by DarkHadou on 07:02:2001 03:10 PM: My team is Guile, Cammy, Akuma. A friend of mine told me its not a top teir team but im really good with those characters so van you just give me your opinion and let me no if this team could stand a chance against like a good magnus player or something thanx! Posted by DarkHadou on 07:02:2001 03:11 PM: oh yeah and guile is anti air, akuma is expansion, and cammy is anti air Posted by TimeFlip on 07:02:2001 08:48 PM: [TimeFlip has returned] I've been busy playing FFT and BOF2 and checking out Dream and stuff so sorry . I guess I could quit since Red Spiral already took up this job. I could be a celebrity advisor, but I'm planning to start a new series of threads. So if I want to start this up again, I will, but for right now, I quit All times are GMT. The time now is 10:57 PM. Show all 107 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.